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To place a bid by email before 1200 on 3rd April fill in this contact form with the Lot number and your bid price.
You must give your contact details, minimum and maximum bid amount. Please put the Lot number in the Subject line. Absentee bidders, including email bidders must supply the address details for despatch of Lots purchased.
Please submit a separate email bid for each Lot.
NOTE: All purchases must be paid for using the UCS On-Line Shop. For succesful bidders who attend in person, this will take place following the auction on the night.
Email bidders and overseas bidders will be notified of their Lots and all postage and packaging will be added to the winning bid amount.
Where possible, items bought should be paid for and taken away on the night.
Should you have need for more details, please use the form to request more information about any item you might be interested in using the same information as above but without bid amounts.



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You can access the UCS On-Line shop at

Choose the Lux Locus Fundraising Auction to make your payment

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